Selected books and articles
I have published broadly both scientific and general interest books, articles and newspaper columns. Full cv with list of publications available at request.
Selected books
Reid, Colin, Maclehose, Andrew, Thomas Henry and Torsti Pilvi (ed.) 2021. David Sutcliffe. Pioneer of International Education. His Life, His Words and His Legacy. Sarajevo: Bridge to the Future.
Torsti, Pilvi, Sutcliffe David, Besse, Antonin and Tanovic, Lamija 2013. United World College in Mostar. Facts, figures, stories and reflections. Sarajevo: Education in Action.
Torsti, Pilvi 2012. Finns and their History (Suomalaiset ja historia). Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
Selected articles and writings
Article in Kanava 3/2023 in Finnish about the past and the future of Finnish school. Suomalaisen koulutuksen arvokas historia ja lupaava tulevaisuus.
Editorial page article in Finnish main daily Helsingin Sanomat 15 March 2023. Vieraskynä: Suomen on valmisteltava 2040-luvun koulutusta jo nyt
3 series article on Global Education vision by Pilvi Torsti, Vishal Talreja ja Joanne McEachen in Diplomatic Courier 01-02/2023:
We must adopt a global vision and curriculum to meet UN transforming education goals
Key components of a global education vision
Bringing a new global education vision to fruition
Peace Agreement Ended the War but Created Permanent Crisis (article on Bosnia in Finnish 2022)
Article on secondary school reform in Obligatory School 100 years in Finland (Oppivelvollisuus 100 vuotta). School and History Annual book 2021. Helsinki: School History Society.
Impossible State of Bosnia and Herzegovina needs help from outside world to fix itself (Bosnian mahdoton valtio tarvitsee muulta maailmalta korjausapua). Guest editorial with minister Elisabeth Rehn 14.11.2020 in Helsingin Sanomat.
Schools must develop climate hope (Koulun täytyy olla rakentamassa nuorille ilmastotoivoa). Suomen Kuvalehti 18.4.2019 together with Jukka O. Mattilan kanssa.
The vision for higher education requires more science and university employees require better contracts (Korkeakouluvisio kaipaa tiedettä ja korkeakoulut kunnon työsuhteita) Suomen Kuvalehti 1.12.2017
Basic School more important that the Winter War? (Peruskoulu talvisotaa merkittävämpi – Aineistoon perustuvaa tulkintaa vai tutkijan asenteita?) Tieteessä tapahtuu 1/2013, editorial.
Rival histories & textbook reform in Bosnian textbooks, 1992–2009. In: Listhaug, Ola and Ramet, Sabrina P. (eds.) 2012. Civic and uncivic values in Bosnia: The record since Dayton. Budapest: Southeast European University Press.
Pilvi Torsti’s Editorial pieces in Annual Reports of United World College in Mostar since 2016:
Annual Report 2016_17 Message from the Chair Dr. Pilvi Torsti
Annual Report 2017_18 Message from the Chair Dr. Pilvi Torsti
Annual Report 2018_19 Message from the Chair Dr. Pilvi Torsti
Annual Report 2019_20 Message from the Chair Dr. Pilvi Torsti